DVBCore  17.9.0
Open Source DVB Engine
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DVBCore build system relies on a number of environment variables to be properly set up. Please use example_setenv.sh as an example of environment set up and to read the meaning of all the available variables.


After all the needed variables have been exported, just do 'make' in the top directory. By default, the resulting library will be build/bin/libdvbcore.a, but its location can be changed by using the variable DTVKIT_OUTPUT_DIR


In order to get the bug fix or feature integrated, please create Mantis issue and open a pull request containing propsed changes.


one-off global setup

git config –global user.name "Your Name" git config –global user.email "your_email@example.com" git config –global push.default simple

one-off repository setup (create private clone in GitHub first)

git clone git@g.nosp@m.ithu.nosp@m.b.com:YOUR_GITHUB_USER_NAME/DVBCore.git git remote add upstream git@g.nosp@m.ithu.nosp@m.b.com:DTVKit/DVBCore.git

create a feature branch named after Mantis issue

git fetch upstream git checkout -b mantis-XX upstream/master

commit your changes

git add ... git commit

rebase and push

git pull –rebase git push -f origin ```

Once your commits are on GitHub, please create a pull request via GitHub UI. Before your changes are merged, the maintainer may request additional modifications, code clean-up or rebase. There's no need to close and re-open a pull request. Each "git push" to the same branch updates the pull request.

Please add "Fixes #XX", where "XX" is the mantis issue number to the commit description and pull request description. This helps tracking the changes.

For more information please see using pull requests or the main help page.