Release notes for DVBCore in version 19.3.0: **Fixed:** mantis-783 - Add support for tuner/demod that can be used for more than one type of delivery system mantis-787 - Recording handle isn't included in the event that's sent when a recording stops mantis-788 - Implement a new function to return the timer associated with a recording mantis-789 - No function exists to read the last play position for a recording mantis-790 - No check is made to see whether a CRID record already exists before creating a new one mantis-791 - Small memory leak in timer code related to a CRID string mantis-792 - No function exists to get the 'other' CRID (series or recommendation) of a timer mantis-793 - PVR related timer debug prints are using the wrong debug print macro mantis-795 - Timers to start recordings can be lost when entering standby or due to a loss of power mantis-796 - A function is needed to be able to query whether a tuner is enabled mantis-797 - HbbTV needs to be informed when a timer notifies that a recording is about to start mantis-798 - A recording timer isn't notified following a reboot mantis-799 - Provide a function that returns a U32DHMS value from a number of seconds mantis-800 - Allow a default notify time to be set for all recording timers mantis-805 - An attempt is made to stop a recording with an invalid handle mantis-811 - The argument defining whether a CRID is for a radio service needs to be removed mantis-812 - Add ability for recordings to be marked as locked when they're booked so they can't be deleted.