DSMCC  15.3.1
source/dsfm/src/sfm_filter.c File Reference

Section Filter Manasger (SFM): filters. More...

#include <string.h>
#include "sfm_main.h"
#include "sfm_cache.h"
#include "sfm_filter.h"
#include "cldsmcc.h"

Data Structures

struct  s_BitCnt
struct  s_Table
struct  s_DsmResource
struct  s_PidTable
struct  s_DmxSecFilter
struct  s_DmxPidFilter


#define INVALID_NDX   0xFF
#define INVALID_TID   0xFF
#define EXACT_MATCH   16
#define NEAR_MATCH   15
#define PRIORITY_SHIFT   5
#define HASH_SIZE   17


typedef struct s_BitCnt S_BitCnt
typedef struct s_Table S_Table
typedef struct s_DsmResource S_DsmResource
typedef struct s_PidTable S_PidTable
typedef struct s_DmxSecFilter S_DmxSecFilter
typedef struct s_DmxPidFilter S_DmxPidFilter


void ClearTexIdAccounts (S_DsmResource **ppDsmRes)
BOOLEAN SFMFilterCreateResources (H_SfmInstance sfm)
 Create Filter resources for Section Filter Manager instance.
void SFMFilterInitCaching (H_SfmInstance sfm)
 Initialise caching references.
void SFMFilterDestroyResources (H_SfmInstance sfm)
 Destroy Filter resources for Section Filter Manager instance.
void * SFM_DsmccFilterAdd (H_SfmInstance sfm, pclDsmSFilter_t pFilter, clDsmSFRef_t dsmSfRef)
 Add DSM-CC section filter. Called by DSM-CC component. Note for multi-tasking: this function uses mutex locking to protect shared data with SFM_RequireSection. It assumes that this function is entered on the same task as SFM_DelectionFilter.
void SFM_DsmccFilterDelete (H_SfmInstance sfm, void *filterHandle, clDsmSFRef_t dsmSfRef)
 Delete DSM-CC section filter. Called by DSM-CC component, and given in clDsmSysCreate setup. Note for multi-tasking: this function uses mutex locking to protect shared data with SFM_RequireSection.
void SFM_FilterUpdate (H_SfmInstance sfm, H_DmxPidFilter pPF)
 Update SFM PID filter to configure HW for latest requirements.
void SFM_DsmccFilterPriorityChange (H_SfmInstance sfm, void *filterHandle, clDsmSFRef_t dsmSfRef, clDsmSFPriority_t priority)
 Change DSM-CC section filter priority Called by DSM-CC component, and given in clDsmSysCreate setup. Note for multi-tasking: this function uses mutex locking to protect shared data with SFM_RequireSection. This function should be in same tthread as add and remove.
E_SFM_STATUS SFMFilterRequiresSection (H_SfmInstance sfm, PIDFILT pfid, U16BIT teid, U8BIT tid, U8BIT vers, void **phBuffer)
 This function performs minimal checking of section header data to find out whether SFM requires this section. Number of header bytes required is SECTION_HEADER_LENGTH. It assumes CRC has been checked and is passing valid DSM-CC sections So the first byte of data must be table id 0x3B, 0x3C or 0x3D. Note for multi-tasking: this function uses mutex locking to protect shared data with SFM_AddSectionFilter and SFM_DelSectionFilter. It does NOT call any DSM-CC core functions.
void SFMFilterProcessSection (H_SfmInstance sfm, U8BIT *pSection, H_DsmResource pDsmRes)
 Get DSM-CC filter request and pass section buffer to DSM-CC with it's filter handle This should only be called after calling SFM_FilterRequiresSection with it returning SFM_UPDATE_LOW or SFM_UPDATE_HIGH.
BOOLEAN SFMFilterValidHandle (H_SfmInstance sfm, void *hBuffer)
H_DsmResource SFMFilterDsmResource (H_SfmInstance sfm, U16BIT dsmref)

Detailed Description

Section Filter Manasger (SFM): filters.

Adam Sturtridge

Function Documentation

void* SFM_DsmccFilterAdd ( H_SfmInstance  sfm,
pclDsmSFilter_t  pFilter,
clDsmSFRef_t  dsmSfRef 

Add DSM-CC section filter. Called by DSM-CC component. Note for multi-tasking: this function uses mutex locking to protect shared data with SFM_RequireSection. It assumes that this function is entered on the same task as SFM_DelectionFilter.

Add DSM-CC section filter. Called by DSM-CC component, and given in clDsmSysCreate setup. Note for multi-tasking: this function uses mutex locking to protect shared data with SFM_RequireSection.

H_SfmInstancesfm SFM instance handle.
pclDsmSFilter_tpFilter Pointer to DSM-CC filter details
clDsmSFRef_tdsmSfRef DSM-CC SF reference handle
void* SFM Filter handle
void SFM_DsmccFilterDelete ( H_SfmInstance  sfm,
void *  filterHandle,
clDsmSFRef_t  dsmSfRef 

Delete DSM-CC section filter. Called by DSM-CC component, and given in clDsmSysCreate setup. Note for multi-tasking: this function uses mutex locking to protect shared data with SFM_RequireSection.

H_SfmInstancesfm SFM instance handle.
void*filterHandle SFM Filter handle
clDsmSFRef_tdsmSfRef DSM-CC reference handle
void SFM_DsmccFilterPriorityChange ( H_SfmInstance  sfm,
void *  filterHandle,
clDsmSFRef_t  dsmSfRef,
clDsmSFPriority_t  priority 

Change DSM-CC section filter priority Called by DSM-CC component, and given in clDsmSysCreate setup. Note for multi-tasking: this function uses mutex locking to protect shared data with SFM_RequireSection. This function should be in same tthread as add and remove.

Change DSM-CC section filter priority Called by DSM-CC component, and given in clDsmSysCreate setup. Note for multi-tasking: this function uses mutex locking to protect shared data with SFM_RequireSection.

H_SfmInstancesfm SFM instance handle.
void*filterHandle SFM Filter handle
clDsmSFRef_tdsmSfRef DSM-CC SF reference handle
clDsmSFPriority_tpriority New filter priority

Update SFM PID filter to configure HW for latest requirements.

H_SfmInstancesfm SFM instance handle.
H_DmxPidFilterpPF Handle to SFM pid filter

Create Filter resources for Section Filter Manager instance.

H_SfmInstancesfm SFM instance handle.
BOOLEAN TRUE if success

Destroy Filter resources for Section Filter Manager instance.

H_SfmInstancesfm SFM instance handle.

Initialise caching references.

H_SfmInstancesfm SFM instance handle.
void SFMFilterProcessSection ( H_SfmInstance  sfm,
U8BIT *  pSection,
H_DsmResource  pDsmRes 

Get DSM-CC filter request and pass section buffer to DSM-CC with it's filter handle This should only be called after calling SFM_FilterRequiresSection with it returning SFM_UPDATE_LOW or SFM_UPDATE_HIGH.

H_SfmInstancesfm SFM instance handle.
U8BIT*pSection Pointer to whole section data buffer
void*hBuffer SFM section handle returned by SFM_FilterRequiresSection
E_SFM_STATUS SFMFilterRequiresSection ( H_SfmInstance  sfm,
PIDFILT  pfid,
U16BIT  teid,
U8BIT  tid,
U8BIT  vers,
void **  phBuffer 

This function performs minimal checking of section header data to find out whether SFM requires this section. Number of header bytes required is SECTION_HEADER_LENGTH. It assumes CRC has been checked and is passing valid DSM-CC sections So the first byte of data must be table id 0x3B, 0x3C or 0x3D. Note for multi-tasking: this function uses mutex locking to protect shared data with SFM_AddSectionFilter and SFM_DelSectionFilter. It does NOT call any DSM-CC core functions.

H_SfmInstancesfm SFM instance handle.
PIDFILTpfid PID filter with incoming section
U8BIT*pHeader Pointer to section header (min 8 bytes)
void**phBuffer Pointer to SFM section buffer handle
E_SFM_STATUS - status of required update
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